This year, I am more thankful than ever for the two beautiful kids, the wonderful family and the fantastic friends God graced me with. I am also extremely blessed at 34 to have 2 amazing Grandmothers still here for my children to get to know, laugh and play with.
Thanks be to God!
This Thanksgiving, in true ACB form, we packed up and left Atlanta a full week before Thanksgiving and headed to Charlotte. They got some much needed time with their Dad and I got some much needed time with my friend Brooke. She made lots of delicious food and we drank lots of $8 wine...it was a great weekend.
On Monday morning we left early to drive to Pawleys Island to see Bubba, Snookie, GiGi, Uncle Mike, Uncle Clay, Aunt Natalie, and cousin Luke. Cade and Brey were greeted in usual grandparent fashion of being offered Cheetos, chocolate chip cookies and juice boxes for lunch...because as you all know, there are no Cheetos and chocolate chip cookies sold in Roswell, GA (at least that is what I have convinced my kids to think).
Shortly after the oh-so-nutritious lunch, my Dad announced that since Cade had learned how to ride his bike without training wheels, he was taking Cade to the store to buy him a new bike to keep at Bubba and Snookies. Now - please note that they live in a neighborhood FULL of grandparents and this neighborhood has "borrow list" posted at the clubhouse and there are PLENTY of bikes on that list....but Bubba wanted Cade to have his own bike. It is a marvelous thing to be the first born grandchild. And I know because I've been there!
Cade spent every morning and every afternoon riding his new bike around the very flat neighborhood telling my Dad that his "Laser snake bike" (a Razor Cobra) was the best bike in the world. He was VERY appreciative and it was awesome to see he and Bubba head out everyday on their bike rides.
Clay, Natalie, & Luke flew into Charleston pretty late on Wednesday night so the kids didn't get to see Luke until they woke up on Thanksgiving morning. It was so fantastic to see the three kids together. I think the person who got the biggest kick out of watching them was my Grandmother who the kids call GiGi. The coolest part of the entire weekend for me was seeing her read them the books that she used to read to me and Clay.