Tuesday, September 9, 2008

not - hot - pot

Cade has had homework almost every night since school started. The good news for him is that it typically never takes us longer than 20 minutes to do it and generally it is stuff that we would have done at home anyway. But I am no early childhood educator and so, don't really know what is appropriate for him to be learning at 4.5. So tonight when I saw what we had to do I was REALLY excited to see the end result would be.

The following is a list of words that Cade READ tonight:

dot * hot * not * pot * got * cot * bat * cat * fat * hat * mat * pat * rat * bin * fin * tin *pin

WHOO HOO! Pretty soon, Cade will be reading the bedtime stories to me!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Ya Cade!!!!!! Good reading!

Jackson has been asking about him and Caleb everyday these past few weeks....:)